Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I will fucking stab you.

This is me icing my face, minutes after getting sucker punched on my walk home with Sam. We are walking home from a show that was going on a few blocks away and we are a mere 2 blocks from my Apt. and we walk by three black kids, one of whom while walking by me decided to sucker punch me hard right in the jaw. I obviously jumped away, combined with the impact of the punch, to wind up being about ten feet away from him as he turned with arms raised like he just won a fight. God damn stupid fucking kids. I just got out of there, and 30 feet down the road flagged down a passing police officer. The kids ran. Seriously, after being accused of having a knife the other night, and now this, I am completely serious I would have no fucking issue stabbing anyone. Not having a knife, and therefore not stabbing anyone tonight, I take comfort in knowing he will someday overdose on drugs. Fucking loser thug wannabes. I seriously fucking hate people.


ADW said...

on a postive note, at least your hair looks good.

I think you should carry Mace. Early Christmas present??

James. said...

Fuck yeah. I thought of that today. I'm all for making people go blind by emptying a thing of mace on them.

El Adam said...

damn man, people suck