Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New post.

I havent posted anything in a loooong time. I miss it. It's not that I have nothing to write about, its that I have no time. I have been having so much fun lately, it lessens my need to blog, and my time to do it.

Here are some likes and dislikes I have realized over the past few weeks.

James likes:

Letting off some steam Monday nights at jazz bars.
Staying out until 9AM with Pete and Jen.
Being out with good friends in general.
Meeting cute girls, that turn into new friends, if nothing else.
Reading, and or writing. I haven't come up with anything thats lasted lately, but the effort alone is worth it.
Meeting people I have waited ages to meet: Chan Marshall.
New comics.
$10 movies at Virgin.
The pasta specials from Fanellie's.
His new iPhone, that is not quite working yet. Just the idea.
When girls just don't seem to care about my tattoos.

James dislikes:

Waiting for people.
Being late.*
People who interfere with my routine.
The Jonas Brothers, and the hundreds of 12 year old girls who were screaming and waiting for them at the Apple store the other day/night/forever.
People who demand respect, and give none in return.
People who bring bikes on subways.*
People who ride bikes on sidewalks. Its a sidewalk, not a sidebike.
Having people rely on me.
Those who do not understand my sense of realism. It goes beyond most.
When randoms want to sit and talk to me about my tattoos in situations where I am clearly busy.
When people think that since I have tattoos, it's ok for them to grab my arm are start moving it around.

* This is a side note. But I really fucking hate being late. To work, for friends, anything. When I have things to do, I like to do them. It does not take me long to get ready and I don't understand when it takes other people longer than me. There are certain things I do, that I do all the time, and if I have to wait for someone else to get these things done, it just sets off everything about me. Even when I get to my destination, if I'm late, I don't have as good a time. When I'm late for work, I feel awful. When I'm late for friends, I just cant have as much fun. I'm always the first one ready. I'm always the first person there for dinner reservations. I just really can't stand being late.

*I'm sorry, but you brought your bike out. Why the fuck are you taking it on the subway? Did your parents never teach you how to ride it? I don't care if it started to rain, maybe you should have checked the weather before you came out with your fucking bike. The subway is no place for a bike. And please don't act like the subway needs to make room for you. Too many times have I had to squeeze in so some lazy d-bag with a bike can fit in. Hey loser, just ride it home, you'll probably beat the L train.