Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Listen Sweetheart,

It was late night on Mercer street, and people were out bar hopping in full force, despite the rain. I was surrounded by drunk girls, and drunk guys trying to take them home, but it beat standing inside; the time moved faster out with the excitement of the street.

A taxi crawled to a stop in front of the entrance, and I approached to get the door, pausing to let the occupant finish paying. I was then confronted by a girl, and her boyfriend, from the street.

"We're taking this taxi," say's the dumb girl, like the taxi is literally hers.

I turn to her, sort of confused, "Excuse me?"

"Yeah, I was waiting down the street for this taxi, it's ours. We're taking it." She is the queen of the world.

This is not how taxi's work. You get there first, you get it, sometimes that sucks. You don't get dibs because you were waiting first, just somewhere else. And you don't get it because you are a girl, who has apparently never heard the word no. As it happens, I wasn't even taking the taxi, so it didn't really matter. Had I been getting in, I would have promptly told this bitch to go fuck herself.

I look up to the boyfriend with a look that asks, "What the fuck?" He is trying to explain that I'm clearly in a bellhop uniform, and am just getting the door, he is also trying to say he's sorry, she won't let him speak. I take over.

In my head,
Listen, bitch, what the fuck do I owe you? You aren't even that cute, piss off.

Out loud, "Listen, Sweetheart, I'm not taking the taxi, I'm getting the door.

"Well, good. Cause we're taking it. I just had to yell at someone else because they stole another taxi from me, and they wouldn't give it up. We had it first. But this one is ours." She knew she was an idiot at this point, but didn't want to let it on.

"Someone didn't give you their taxi, I can't imagine why." I was glaring at her, "You're such a nice girl."

I got the door, and unintentionally, maybe subconsciously, slammed it. I seriously almost lost my shit on this girl. It was day five of working overnight, and moving to my new apartment all day long. I was super stressed, and really pissed off. I swear, I wanted to hit this girl in the mouth.

I kept my cool though, for the most part. I don't even think she fully understood I wasn't actually being nice to her.

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