Friday, May 29, 2009

I feel the same.

So I woke up today around 1pm, after going to bed around 9am. I couldn't find my wallet anywhere. Fuck. Finally 21, and I lose my ID on the first day. I was really pretty pissed off. And then I start to put pieces of a strange puzzle together, and I begin to realize I couldn't have lost it. I used it to pay for a taxi home. And then before going to bed at 9am I took my debit card out to set up a new itunes account. I had it before I went to bed. I tear my bed apart, no luck, dig through all my clothes, no luck, and then bam! It hits me. I know where my wallet is. But it doesn't really make sense. I remembered that in my extremely drunken state I was worried that someone was trying to steal my wallet, while I was alone in my room. So I hid it in a box of tissues on my bed side table. I don't know.

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