Sunday, November 23, 2008

A hope, a dream, an ambition, a list:

Of sorts, anyway. Tomorrow I am working the overnight shift to help out at work. Regardless of how bitter I am at the thought of helping them out anymore, it does mean that I basically have tomorrow off. I don't go into work until 11:30 PM. Thats nearly the next day, seriously, check your watch. Anyway, this is of course a great chance for me to get some things done. I actually have these great chances about twice a week, they are what I like to call "days off," but I never, ever, ever, maybe once in a while, ever seem to get anything done. Tomorrow though, it's the day. I'm storming the beaches of opportunity. Maybe. Here is my list of possible things to get done, in the hopes that maybe since someone might ask me later on if I got any of the things listed below done, I might do some of them. That's right, not because they are things I need to get done, but because I care, mostly, about what you think of me.

- I could read some, but that doesn't really count as something I need to get done. I just like doing it. Maybe that should be further down on the list. It's too damn late now though.

- I could finish some of the many blogs I have started, and left unfinished to wallow in their sad lives as a draft. Seriously, I think I've got some good ones. With decent writing, and big words, maybe even a metaphor or two.

- I could buy a space heater, it's getting cold in BasementTown. Stealing a great idea from yet another hero of our time Walsh sibling, we have yet to turn on the heat. And well, a $40 space heater just sounds a lot better than paying for heat EVERY month. (Our electricity is included in our rent, schwing!)

- I should probably hit the bank up, I got's mad moneys.

- I do need more ear plugs. I've started sleeping with them, mainly because when I was working overnights regularly I used them so I didn't wake up when the roomies got up shortly after I got home. But now it's just kind of nice. And if my new neighbors (living above B-Town) decide to have another huge jump up and down and beat on drums party with all their friends at 3AM, maybe I can sleep through it.

- Really clean my room. Not just kind of make it look cleaner. Not likely.

Honestly, when I sat down to write this blog (I actually sat down to write another blog, left it unfinished as a draft, and strated this one) I was sure that I had more things I needed to do. Of course as soon as I attempted to list them, they all escaped me. In their place I came up with the list above, some stuff I should do, or would like to do, but nothing that I really need to do.

What will probably happen is more like this:

- Catch up on some sleep that I've been avoiding.
- Internets for a while.
- Hang with Jesse, doing cool things. None of which NEEDS to be done.
- Go to my Monday night hangs at Rue B to see Pete and friends, and grab a beer or two.
- Go to work knowing that I have the next two days off to do all the things I meant to do the days before.


ADW said...


2) Are you bailing on turkey day? i'll be in PA til Saturday, call if you can come down

3) i'm leaving tomorrow morning I'll give you a call when i'm in NYC and maybe we can stop in for a minute

ADW said...

oh and , nice new blog ;)

amber said...

really, you arent the only one that wastes time doing useless things on days off, instead of doing things that NEED to get done. i myself have had plenty of days off and free time. yet somehow my room is still a mess, my laundry is yet to be done, no colleges have been applied to (or even thought of), and my car is still very..very disgusting.

:) miss ya!