Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My body beat me.

My ribs got the better of me yesterday.

I was planning on trying to sit for 4 hours of tattooing my ribs.
I was ambitious.
Really just not smart.
I knew better, I really did.
I tapped out at around 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Oh my God.
At that point I could really feel that if I sat for too much longer, I would vomit.

On the plus side, I've started what will turn out to be a sweet tattoo. And I did get a large amount of work done on it. Two more sittings, I hope, will finish it. There is still a great deal of work to be done, but I'm happy.


OonieBird said...

How long have I been reading Ali's blog and didn't see her link to yours? I love it. It makes me want to see you because I haven't since forever, and I still feel horribly inadequate for sending some lousy flowers to you instead of getting on a damned plane.


ADW said...

HEY! Oona found you! Do we get pictures of this tattoo or what ?? Don't you have someone documenting ??

El Adam said...

lemme know when you go back, might be time for something meaningful