Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm waiting for something.

Not sure what, but I'm pretty sure that when I find it it will be pretty awesome.

I've been reading a lot more lately. Not to say that I ever really stopped. But I did. A of all, my life started to have other things to do in it. And Secondly, I've been reading some great comic series (The Walking Dead, The Last Man, and Powers). Sure thats still reading, but what I'm getting at is I've fallen back into reading books described with words, not pictures.

Sean bought A Game of Thrones for Jessica, for her birthday, and it reminded me that I still need to read the fourth book in that series before the fifth comes out. I'm a few hundred pages in, and going strong. I wish I could write like George R.R. Martin. Seems like I wish I could write like a lot of people though. But at the moment I'm just wishing I could write at all.

The ideas are there, but they don't come out. That, however, is altogether a different story. And this is my second blog already today, and a third would just be a little over the top.

Back to the point. I have also been reading blogs more often. I wish very much that Amber would blog a bit more often, just so I know what the hell is going on. Also reading Jessica's blog fairly regularly. I just found my Uncle Jim's blog, about food, and its awesome. He is a great chef, and the blog is great. A little strange when I first received an e-mail from him with a link to his blog, as it came to my in-box under the name James Walsh. Yes, same name. Eerie though, getting an e-mail from yourself. And finally (on blogs anyway) I just caught up on my sister Alison's blog, which I love. She does interesting things, and it amazes me to read that after all these years she still has interesting things to do in that God forsaken state.

To wrap up the readings, I have been reading a lot of essays. It all started the other night, the night described in my previous blog, at my friend Dan's house. I saw a book by E.B. White on his table, and I had to start talking about. It was not one I had seen or read before, and due to my state at that moment, I have no idea what it is now. But it did get me to pick up "One Man's Meat" again. This is Whites book of essays all about life, and growing old in Maine. I remember what got me started on E.B. White, my 1st (and only full) year of college a professor of mine LOVED him. He read a passage from Charlotte's Web one day in class, and it brought him to tears. Whatever I thought of this at the time, the writing is beautiful. Since then of course, I have made an effort to read his work. I have yet to cry, but hey, maybe.
Also, George Orwell. Tonight alone I reread two of my favorite of his essays, Shooting an Elephant, and A Hanging. I read these in the same class I mentioned above, and they have stuck with me. I have actually not read any of Orwell's novels, sadly. I know EVERYONE has read 1984 and Animal Farm, and I should too, it will happen. But wow, his essays are amazing. Read some here if you've got the time. I promise they will get you thinking.

I guess, in a slightly less productive way, I am writing again. Even if it is just about reading, and not Zombies. By the way MyZombiePinUp, fantastic. Sorry.

Also, today Jesse and I used the Bowflex for the first time. Amazing. It deserves it's own post, with pictures, it will come.


jessica maria said...

I finished Twilight last night, and brought A Game of Thrones to read on the subway today. Haven't started yet!

ADW said...

Spare us the bow-flex pictures (we all know you're buff) and post some tattoos!!