Wednesday, October 8, 2008

We're going to die like this, you know? Miserable and old.

Life is what you make it, right? At least what the money in your pocket lets you make it.

I almost decided not to go out tonight. Potential fun was thrown at me, gathering of coworkers at Thom Bar for drinks, and I just wanted to say no.

Here's my thought process:
Do I have the money?
Tips are slow.
I'm doorman today.
Drinks there are expensive.
It's going to get real late real fast.
I have to work in the AM.

Dear God. I have an uncontrolable inner need to be old.

Here are my thoughts now:
Tips were actually pretty good today.
I don't work until 10.
I'm going to have fun.

1 comment:

ADW said...

you crack me up.
would you put some pictures on this thing??

Rowan and I are staying put this weekend so no visiting.. another time.

Have fun w/ your friend!